Animation Backgrounds
Here are some of my animation backgrounds from various productions in the 1990's. I and others painted hundreds over the years, often working into the small hours to make sure we delivered on time. Always there was a balance to be struck between speed and quality. Getting the style of the production right would take a couple of weeks at first and then I'd be away, gathering speed in my little workroom, tuned into Radio 4. It's not a job for the gregarious person perhaps but I enjoyed being cocooned in my own little world. One of things it taught me was to think of style as superficial thing, a veneer that matters less than the substance, i.e. the idea or the drawing. But style is important too, it's just that it's sometimes used to mask weak substance. Here's a tiny sample of my animation backgrounds, some of the few that made it to the photocopy shop on the mad dash down the Tottenham Court Road to deliver work. These two backgrounds we...